Wednesday 23 November 2011

My Mums New Boyfriend.

How does the trailer use media language to estabilsh the film's genre?
1. In the first 20 seconds of the trailer, it starts with some catchy funny music with a fat women drinking diet coke and smoking a fag. She then falls down asking her son ''Am i dead?'' with her son replying "No   mum you're not dead''. These are all conventions of a comedy film. We can tell it's a comedy film not just by watching the acting but by the non-diegetic voiceover talking about the protagonist's life. Just from the beginning of the film, we can tell that there will be some espionage aspects due to the fact that the protagonist is an FBI agent. We can also try and assume that there will be romantic conventions of this film due to the fact that that tittle of is called ''My Mums New Boyfriend''. We then see that the protagonist's mother is dating someone who is a thief who the FBI is after which her son works for.

How is 'The Family' represented in this trailer
2. The family is represented as quite a normal family compared to our generation. In our generation, it is usually the mother who is left with the child and the father has left them both. A key mise-en-scene here shows the mother and the son together. We see them together as she goes to the airport with her son. We see them both holding hands which shows that their relationship together is quite strong as they are standing very close together. When the mother starts dating the man, from the trailer, we can see that he wants his mother to be happy as we see he has no objections with him dating his mother.

What Hollywood values can you identify in this trailer?

3. As with a lot of hollywood films, they will have big stars. This film contains Antonio Banderas and Meg Ryan who have both appeared in over 30 films.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Portrayel Of Family in Bricklane

To begin with, the family in Bricklane is a nuclear family consiting of a mother, father and children. The family is portrayed in a sterotypical way where the father is in charge of the house and the wife has to go by his rules and listen to what he says and asks. It is sterotypical because we are living in a modern society where everyone is equal inside the house as both the parents would be working. But the family in brick lane however, keeps the family quite traditional due to their backgrounds and their lifes before the couple moved from Bangladesh to United Kingdom. With most families, there are arguments with fathers and daughters. In the entire film, you see the oldest daughter Rukshana and the father Chanu always arguing about the smallest things. This is quite expected of a father-daughter relationship as they show their love for each other by arguing. However, at the end of the film just as the father is about to leave to go back to Bangladesh, it hits her that she wont be seeing her father as often as she could. We see the love that they both have for each other as they hide it from each other with all the arguing they both do. Nazneen and her daughter Rukshana behave like Nazneen and her sister did. For example, when Nazneen was reading a letter frrom her sister about her life in Bangladesh, Rukshana takes the postcard jumping around on the bed trying to not let her mother take it from her. Now normally, a mother would either shout at her or even hit their child. But Nazneen was quite calm with the situation and started bonding like sisters. In most families, the youngest child is left out quite a lot due to the fact they are the youngest in the house. This happens alot to the youngest daughter Bibi. When there is an argument in the house she is always hiding behind the cornor peeking at what is happening and making sure she is not involved with the conflict. The relationship between Nazneen and Chanu starts off quite stale. It is stale due to the fact that she was forced to marry a man she did not know. They have been living together for 16 years and she does not love him. Throughout the film, we do not see them look like they are in love as the husband forcibly has sex with her and she does not want it or even enjoy it. But at the end of the film, we see some love between them as they both share a moment as Chanu cries which possibly meant that he knew about his wifes affiar therefore he needs to go back to Bangladesh with his family to make sure she stays faithful. Also we never see them both holding hands until they leave the meeting and walk home together holding hands. This family has some tradition in it but also has a bit of modern day in it too.

508 Words

Tuesday 15 November 2011


* Media representation
* Some say youth represented unfairly- the police suspected every teenager in london to be involved in the riots when most of them weren't at all
* Research: Women in journalism 2008
* 75% violence.
* Moral panic
* Blaming the media- sites like twitter and facebook were used to organize riots in areas.
* Gooddin blames rap which glorifies violence- some rap music does promote violence sex and drugs
* Skilled enough through use of Twitter and Facebook
* Turning of the internet-the police wanted the internet turned off so that youths could not organize the riots

* Text Audience industry
* Why Success
* Narrative: Enigma code, action code complex story
* Character strong engaging
* Technical audio codes
* Know what to expect. High made, Special effect theme tune

* High production values for a broad audience
Scheduling: Event viewing, want to watch it now
* Spin Off
* Torchwood: For adult audience
* Audience Appeal
* Fan Club Loyal Fans
Being Human

* Broadcast text with a strong on line presence
* Anticipation of the arrival
* Clear not many teens watch TV
* Short TV videos to offer an extended episode and continuation of story
* Different ways to tell story, imaginative, appealing and refreshing
How to improve a film:

* Audio
* Editing- good editing software needed like sony vegas, final cut pro and imovie should spend alot of time editing
* Camera equipment- always be equiped and plan the days when you need certain thigns
* Characters- choose how much people you need and when you need them
Improve production work-always record extra scenes incase you need them
Look at real examples-look at real work from directors
Planning-Always plan your ideas
Show the process of your journey- you should log down what you do and what you are going to
Record all your planning- record everything. keep your storyboards safe
Ideas- think of an idea and spend time developing the idea
Props- organize what props you are going to need for your video

Garth Jennings: He has a production called hammer& tongs which consists of him and his best friend Nick Goldsmith. He has directed two films; Son of Rambo and The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. He has also done over 20 music videos music groups include Radiohead, Blur and Fatboy slim. He recently made the current Phones4u advert. The film Son of Rambo is based on his childhood life when he was a child and his parents bought home the first video camera.
When it comes to doing a music video or short film for a class assignment, you really need to be prepared for it. You can’t just get random camera, friends and a location at the last minute and expect a grade higher then a D. You need to plan how many people you are going to need, what props you need, what are your locations going to be and how long it is. Once everything is planned ahead and smoothly you will get higher then a D grade

Monday 14 November 2011


Film industry

The stages of a film are:
Someone has an idea for a movie whether its a reboot or something quite new
They create a brief idea and use it to promote interest in their idea
A studio like Dreamworks decide whether or not to buy the rights 
A crew is brought together e.g screenwriter, producer, director cast ect.
The film is then completed and sent to the studio
Then the studio will make a licensing agreement with a distribution
The distribution company determines how many prints of the film to make.
the company will then have a screening to prospective buyers who represent the theaters.
the buyers will then negotiate with the distribution company on whether or not they wish to lease the movie.
the prints of the film are sent to the theaters a few days before release day
the cinema shows the move a certain amount of weeks depending on the engagement they have made
you buy a ticket and watch the movie :D
at the end of the engagement, the theater sends the print back to the company and makes an agreement on the lease agreement
What is a film distribution?
The distribution of a movie is the process through which a movie is made available to watch for an audience by a film distributor. this task may be accomplished in a variety of ways for example, with a thetrical release, a home entertainment such as DVD or BluRay disc or a televsions broadcast syndication and may include digital distribution

In the golden age of Hollywood, the Hollywood studio system was created by five major studios which were also known as the Big Five. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer inc (MGM) had held the top spot for eleven years (1931-1941), with 20th Century Fox in second place. Paramount earned quite a lot of money during the early sound era and after a slow period during the 1930s climbed back to profitability during the booming 1940s. Warner Brothers and RKO radio pictures remained stable until the late 1940s when RKO began to decline.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

L'oreal Advert

The L'oreal advert is promoting hair gel as L'oreal as the company sells hair products for example shampoo. the colour scheme consists of 3 colours: red, black and white. The person on the left is in black and white as it could connote mystery and perfection as to how his hair is. The red on the left stands out to with the hair gel. The red could connote strength and energy to say that the hair gel gives your hair energy and strength to stay the way it is. The colours go really well together as they are all used to an even ammount. The hair gel bottle is a dark black to show power and it could connote that the bottle has a mystery inside.

The poster has two people in them. We have a mid shot and we have a long shot. The mid shot is used to specifically show the mans hair which is what the advert is mainly for. His facial expressions are quite mysterious as in you don't know what hes going to do next and he also has a sort of a bad boy look. The image at back is someone doing a handstand leaning on his head. They did that to show the strength of the hair gel saying that the hair is so strong, you can lean on it and the hair will still be perfectly the way you have made it. That is a really good image as it relates to the products name ''Indestructible'' showing that nothing could destroy your hairstyle when you use the hair gel.

Children of men classwork

Children Of Men
the film explores a grim world in which two decades of global human infertility have left humanity with less than a century to survive. The opening was a great way to open as it explains the death of the youngest person in the planet. Society in this film are scared of what is to come. As humans, we fear the unknown but in this film they terrorise the country and they do enviromental destruction to fill their needs. The beginning of the film already tells us that the end of the world is coming when they are talking about the youngest person dying. By only watching 10 minutes of it, i can tell that themes of hope and faith will be in this. I've only just watch 10 minutes of this film and i can't wait to watch the entire film the next time i have a chance too.