Wednesday 23 November 2011

My Mums New Boyfriend.

How does the trailer use media language to estabilsh the film's genre?
1. In the first 20 seconds of the trailer, it starts with some catchy funny music with a fat women drinking diet coke and smoking a fag. She then falls down asking her son ''Am i dead?'' with her son replying "No   mum you're not dead''. These are all conventions of a comedy film. We can tell it's a comedy film not just by watching the acting but by the non-diegetic voiceover talking about the protagonist's life. Just from the beginning of the film, we can tell that there will be some espionage aspects due to the fact that the protagonist is an FBI agent. We can also try and assume that there will be romantic conventions of this film due to the fact that that tittle of is called ''My Mums New Boyfriend''. We then see that the protagonist's mother is dating someone who is a thief who the FBI is after which her son works for.

How is 'The Family' represented in this trailer
2. The family is represented as quite a normal family compared to our generation. In our generation, it is usually the mother who is left with the child and the father has left them both. A key mise-en-scene here shows the mother and the son together. We see them together as she goes to the airport with her son. We see them both holding hands which shows that their relationship together is quite strong as they are standing very close together. When the mother starts dating the man, from the trailer, we can see that he wants his mother to be happy as we see he has no objections with him dating his mother.

What Hollywood values can you identify in this trailer?

3. As with a lot of hollywood films, they will have big stars. This film contains Antonio Banderas and Meg Ryan who have both appeared in over 30 films.


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  2. WWW: Good use of denotations of the the trailer, usage of technical terms and highlighting conventions of the genre.
    EBI: you had commented more on the use of media language and identify the technical devices that were used in order to get more marks :) (Y)
