Wednesday 16 November 2011

Portrayel Of Family in Bricklane

To begin with, the family in Bricklane is a nuclear family consiting of a mother, father and children. The family is portrayed in a sterotypical way where the father is in charge of the house and the wife has to go by his rules and listen to what he says and asks. It is sterotypical because we are living in a modern society where everyone is equal inside the house as both the parents would be working. But the family in brick lane however, keeps the family quite traditional due to their backgrounds and their lifes before the couple moved from Bangladesh to United Kingdom. With most families, there are arguments with fathers and daughters. In the entire film, you see the oldest daughter Rukshana and the father Chanu always arguing about the smallest things. This is quite expected of a father-daughter relationship as they show their love for each other by arguing. However, at the end of the film just as the father is about to leave to go back to Bangladesh, it hits her that she wont be seeing her father as often as she could. We see the love that they both have for each other as they hide it from each other with all the arguing they both do. Nazneen and her daughter Rukshana behave like Nazneen and her sister did. For example, when Nazneen was reading a letter frrom her sister about her life in Bangladesh, Rukshana takes the postcard jumping around on the bed trying to not let her mother take it from her. Now normally, a mother would either shout at her or even hit their child. But Nazneen was quite calm with the situation and started bonding like sisters. In most families, the youngest child is left out quite a lot due to the fact they are the youngest in the house. This happens alot to the youngest daughter Bibi. When there is an argument in the house she is always hiding behind the cornor peeking at what is happening and making sure she is not involved with the conflict. The relationship between Nazneen and Chanu starts off quite stale. It is stale due to the fact that she was forced to marry a man she did not know. They have been living together for 16 years and she does not love him. Throughout the film, we do not see them look like they are in love as the husband forcibly has sex with her and she does not want it or even enjoy it. But at the end of the film, we see some love between them as they both share a moment as Chanu cries which possibly meant that he knew about his wifes affiar therefore he needs to go back to Bangladesh with his family to make sure she stays faithful. Also we never see them both holding hands until they leave the meeting and walk home together holding hands. This family has some tradition in it but also has a bit of modern day in it too.

508 Words

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