Tuesday 20 September 2011

Piece Of Text

the 4 is red which connotes for blood showing that this film will be bloody. The 4 also shows that Scream is a franchise as it is the fourth movie in the franchise.
The poster is quite simple as the colours are mostly black and white. Theres only red on the 4 to show that it is the fourth film and it can show that this film could be the one with the most blood.
For previous fans, the poster is quite straight forward. But for new fans it could be confusing but it should'nt be to hard to figure it out. The title could relate to the image as the mask looks like it is actually screaming and the title of the film is named scream. The color scheme is quite simple as it is white, black and red which connotes blood, mystery and death which all have something to do in the scream franchise.

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