Wednesday 21 September 2011

L'oreal Advert

The L'oreal advert is promoting hair gel as L'oreal as the company sells hair products for example shampoo. the colour scheme consists of 3 colours: red, black and white. The person on the left is in black and white as it could connote mystery and perfection as to how his hair is. The red on the left stands out to with the hair gel. The red could connote strength and energy to say that the hair gel gives your hair energy and strength to stay the way it is. The colours go really well together as they are all used to an even ammount. The hair gel bottle is a dark black to show power and it could connote that the bottle has a mystery inside.

The poster has two people in them. We have a mid shot and we have a long shot. The mid shot is used to specifically show the mans hair which is what the advert is mainly for. His facial expressions are quite mysterious as in you don't know what hes going to do next and he also has a sort of a bad boy look. The image at back is someone doing a handstand leaning on his head. They did that to show the strength of the hair gel saying that the hair is so strong, you can lean on it and the hair will still be perfectly the way you have made it. That is a really good image as it relates to the products name ''Indestructible'' showing that nothing could destroy your hairstyle when you use the hair gel.

Children of men classwork

Children Of Men
the film explores a grim world in which two decades of global human infertility have left humanity with less than a century to survive. The opening was a great way to open as it explains the death of the youngest person in the planet. Society in this film are scared of what is to come. As humans, we fear the unknown but in this film they terrorise the country and they do enviromental destruction to fill their needs. The beginning of the film already tells us that the end of the world is coming when they are talking about the youngest person dying. By only watching 10 minutes of it, i can tell that themes of hope and faith will be in this. I've only just watch 10 minutes of this film and i can't wait to watch the entire film the next time i have a chance too.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Piece Of Text

the 4 is red which connotes for blood showing that this film will be bloody. The 4 also shows that Scream is a franchise as it is the fourth movie in the franchise.
The poster is quite simple as the colours are mostly black and white. Theres only red on the 4 to show that it is the fourth film and it can show that this film could be the one with the most blood.
For previous fans, the poster is quite straight forward. But for new fans it could be confusing but it should'nt be to hard to figure it out. The title could relate to the image as the mask looks like it is actually screaming and the title of the film is named scream. The color scheme is quite simple as it is white, black and red which connotes blood, mystery and death which all have something to do in the scream franchise.

Monday 19 September 2011

First week back at school

Last week was my first week back at school. I have to say i have sort of missed school. My lessons last week were really good as my teachers make it fun to learn and they really do care about the students as they push us to the best we can which i thank them for. But that was the first week of school. I'm looking forward to the challenges i will come across in the future.